
Talisman MPCS™ can run either on physical dedicated machine(s) or on virtualized machine(s).

It requires Intel® 64-bit processor or similar, and is its multithreading mechanism relies on Logical CPU Cores (LCPU or vCPU for virtual environments). It is able to run on low-performant systems with minimum 2 GB-RAM & 1 LCPU or on compute-intensive systems with up to 200 LCPUs.

Operating System

Binaries are available for Linux RHEL/Debian distributions and Microsoft Windows® Server. Below are the steps to install on your favorite platform.

Tux Mascot
Linux platform

Depending on your distribution:

  •  RHEL 8+  based distributions

    RedHat 8/...
    CentOS 8/...
    Fedora 26.1/27/28/...

    1. Import packages signing GPG public key

    sudo rpm --import https://download.alsego.com/p/pkgkeys/alsego.asc

    2. Configure Talisman MPCS repository

    sudo rpm -i https://download.alsego.com/p/tmpcs/rhel/repos/TMPCS-Repo-1.0-8.x86_64.rpm

    3. For RedHat and CentOS, install Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository

    sudo yum install epel-release

    4. Install Talisman MPCS from repository

    sudo yum install TMPCS.x86_64

    5. Initialize first instance

    sudo su

    cd /usr/local/Talisman/MPCS/Release/xtra/



    6. Start daemon

    sudo systemctl start tmpcs

    7. Test if everything is OK.
  •  Debian 9+  based distributions

    Debian Stretch/Buster/...
    Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04/21.04/...

    0. Please ensure the apt-transport-https package is installed beforehand as our download servers enforce secure connections.
    1. Import packages signing GPG public key

    curl -s https://download.alsego.com/p/pkgkeys/alsego.asc | sudo apt-key add - or alternatively wget -qO - https://download.alsego.com/p/pkgkeys/alsego.asc | sudo apt-key add -

    2. Configure Talisman MPCS repository

    sudo su

    echo -e "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.alsego.com/p/tmpcs/debian/9 stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tmpcs-release.list


    3. Update package list from repositories

    apt-get update

    4. Install Talisman MPCS from repository

    apt-get install tmpcs

    5. Initialize first instance

    sudo su

    cd /usr/local/Talisman/MPCS/Release/xtra/



    6. Start daemon

    sudo systemctl start tmpcs

    7. Test if everything is OK.
Windows platform

From Server 2008 R2 (SP1).

    1. Download Setup program from .
    2. Execute Setup program.
    3. Execute Configuration Initializer program.
    4. Start Talisman MPCS service.
    5. Test if everything is OK.
All platforms

Test if Talisman MPCS™ is running.

    1. Open a web browser and connect to the server


    2. Once the default homepage is loaded, you can start managing the server by clicking the Administration Console link.

      Talisman MPCS default homepage

      Default Administration Console full privileged user account
      User: SuperAdmin  password: superadmin

How to?

To speed up the learning curve, some videos are at your disposal.

Additionally, the below sample packages are made available during the installation. To activate them, you have to follow these steps from the Administration Console:

    • Mashup webservice - Portfolio Aggregation & Consolidation (Similar to this video).
      1. Load the package on the server:

        a.  Menu  >  Packages , then click on  Import .

        b. Select the dpack_aggregated_portfolio_sample package and click on  Load .

        c. Select All items and click on  Import Selected .

      2. Create a Physical Connection to handle an In-Memory datastore in which the various data collections will be aggregated:

        a.  Menu  >  Topology  > PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS, then click on  Add .

        b. Open a new browser window/tab at URL http://hostname:8080/tmpcs-resf/samples/portfolio/Physical_IMStore_DDL.sql and copy the DDL dedicated to the In-Memory datastore.

        c. Back to the PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS window/tab browser, enter a name for the Physical Connection, i.e.: P-IM_Portfolio_Sample.

        d. Select In-Memory Store as type.

        e. Paste the DDL copied in step b. as data model.

        f. Click on  Test Connection .

        g. Click on  Save .

      3. Associate the In-Memory Store Physical Connection to the imported Logical Datasource Object:

        a.  Menu  >  Topology  > LOGICAL CONNECTIONS >  Associations , then click on  Add .

        b. Select L-IM_Portfolio_Sample as Logical Datasource Object (LDO).

        c. Select (Default) as Environment.

        d. Select the Physical Connection name you provided at step 2.c..

        e. Click on  Save .

      4. View the consolidated portfolio positions:

        a. Open a new browser window/tab at URL http://hostname:8080/tmpcs-resf/samples/portfolio/pf-positionsapp.

        b. You should get the consolidated view which for data are aggregated from CSV file, XML file and Excel Workbook into the dedicated In-Memory datastore.

      5. Update position quantities:

        a. In the application opened at step 4.a., click on one of the portfolio quantity cells to enable edit mode.

        b. Enter a new value and then press the [Enter] key. The In-Memory datastore will be updated accordingly.

    • Query-Passthru webservice (Similar to this video).
      1. Load the package on the server:

        a.  Menu  >  Packages , then click on  Import .

        b. Select the dpack_subscriberlist_sample package and click on  Load .

        c. Select All items and click on  Import Selected .

      2. Create a Physical Connection to the sample SQLite database in which 2000 subscriber records are stored:

        a.  Menu  >  Topology  > PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS, then click on  Add .

        b. Enter a name for the Physical Connection, i.e.: P-SQLite_Sample.

        c. Enter the location samples/subscribers/Subscribers.db as DB File.

        d. Click on  Test Connection .

        e. Click on  Save .

      3. Associate the SQLite Store Physical Connection to the imported Logical Datasource Object:

        a.  Menu  >  Topology  > LOGICAL CONNECTIONS >  Associations , then click on  Add .

        b. Select L-SQLite_Sample as Logical Datasource Object (LDO).

        c. Select (Default) as Environment.

        d. Select the Physical Connection name you provided at step 2.b..

        e. Click on  Save .

      4. View the 2000 subscribers raw data:

        a.  Menu  >  Services .

        b. Go to the  /tmpcs-uds   /samples/subscribers/list  webservice definition.

        c. Click on the Execute Service relative icon; a new browser window/tab will open with the JSON recorset result in it.

        d. To view the recordset as XML result, add &output=xml to the URL.